Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ice Bowl

"An ice bowl"
An ice bowl makes an impressive serving dish for ice cream and sorbets* (sherbets). Make the bowl in advance and store it in the freezer. Fill it with scoop of your choice of ice cream a few hours of the dinner and return to the freezer and dessert is ready to serve at once!
Un-wind your mind and create spectacular elixir for your guest. There are few tips, will help you to being with;

Select the two bowls, one about 5cm/2 in smaller than the other. Stand a few ice cubes in the bottom on the larger bowl and place the smaller bowl on the top so that the rims of the both bowls are level.

Tape the bowl at intervals at the edge.

Slide slices of fruits or flowers, nuts between the bowls and pour the cold water to fill the gap.
Freeze the bowls. Use a skewer or small stick to push the fruits, flowers and nuts down between the bowls if they float during freezing.

To release the ice bowl, remove the tape and pour a little hot water into small bowl and stand the bottom bowl in hot water. As soon as the ice bowl is released place it to the freezer.

This will give you a wonderful presentation to your desserts and impress your invitees.

If you want to add some color to the bowl then mix blue Curacao (a flavoring and coloring agent) in the water or some squash but it should suit the character of desserts otherwise the clash between the flavors will spoil the taste.

Do you know?

The word sorbet belongs to The French Classical menu. Because the length of the French Classical menu, this is considered to be the ‘rest’ between the courses, where diners may obtain their second wind. The sorbet therefore must be able to counteract the richness of dishes already served and stimulate the appetite for those to come. Typical sorbet is a water ice plus Italian meringue, flavored with champagne or a liqueur (Not liquor).Do not be authentic, just unwind your mind and try whatever is available in your kitchen.


Egg, a nutritional bless to mankind. Complete ambrosia, rich in protein and other minerals, a healthy food, a breakfast delight to cream of caramel has wide range of application in the gastronomy. Egg contains the highest quality protein you can buy. Egg protein has the perfect mix of essential amino acids needed by humans to build your own tissues. In addition, eggs have thirteen essential vitamins and minerals.

A world without egg, “you must be joking”, says our master chef.

Chef’s tips to how you handle the “Egg”

The Egg shell may have as many as 17,000 tiny pores over its surface. Through them, the egg can absorb flavors and odors.

Storing them in their cartons helps keep them fresh.

Eggs are placed in their cartons large end up to keep the air cell in place and the yolk centered.

Eggs age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator .

Eggs can be kept refrigerated in their carton for at least 4 to 5 weeks beyond the pack date.

A hard-cooked egg will peel more easily if it is a week or two old before it is cooked.

To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it! If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked, if it wobbles, it is raw.

A cloudy white is a sign of freshness, not age, because of high carbon dioxide content when the egg is laid.

If an egg is accidentally dropped on the floor, sprinkle it heavily with salt for easy clean up.

A greenish ring around a hard-cooked (boiled) egg yolk is due to either overcooking or high iron content in the cooking water. This can be avoided using proper cooking time and temperature, and by rapidly cooling the cooked egg in a bowl of ice-water for a few minutes.

In cooking, eggs are "the cement that holds the castle of cuisine together." because of their ability to bind, leaven, thicken, emulsify, clarify, and more in all types of recipes.

The egg yolk and white separate best when cold. Egg whites will beat to a better volume if they're allowed to stand at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes before beating.

A fresh egg will sink in water while an older egg will stand up. As the egg gets older the air space in the egg increases causing it to float.

The stringy piece of material in the egg is not an embryo but rather a special protein called chalazae which acts as a shock absorber for the yolk so it doesn't break .

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Forget it!

It has a noting to do with our taste bud.

French Omelette
The classic French omelette is not cooked as long as its American counterpart. This omelette is simple in design but difficult in execution. Follow these steps from Master Chef.

Milk or Cream--------------50gms


Take a mixing bowl, the eggs, add cream or milk, add salt and pepper (to taste), add chopped tomatoes and chopped onion and parsley. Beat well with fork until mixed all together.
Heat the frying pan, add butter or oil.
Put the mixture and move the pan anti clock to settle the mixture well.
Once it is done place it on the plate.
You can garnish with few slices of tomatoes


"The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse”.

Jules Renard

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

“A great going”

Did you know the mangoes were related with cashew nuts! Full of vitamin C as well as calcium and potassium, mangoes and real energy boosters and help to stimulate the immune system .Bananas are also potassium rich and have vitamin B6 , which balances the body’s metabolism. Bananas promote the release of seratonin – the body’s natural ‘happy’ chemical, to lift your mood.

A great going”

Serving for 1

Grated Coconuts----2-3 tsp.
Ice cubes---3 to 4nos.


· Wash all the fruits under running water. Peeled and de-stone the mango.
· Peel the banana and orange.
· Place the mango, banana and grated coconut into a blender / food processor and whiz until smooth.
· Juice the peeled orange or simple pop the orange into the blender/ food processor as well and whiz again.
· Rimmed the glass with grated coconut
· Crushed the ice cubes and pour into the glass.
· Pour the juice into the glass on crushed ice.

Do you know?

Bananas were discovered by Alexander The Great in India. They were brought to United States in 1830 from Central America.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose - combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proved that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body to recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

By foodandbeverage.co.in

Fresh Fruit Chat

Who doesn’t want to be beautiful? Beauty-business is the talk of the town. Everyone desires to be remaining young and beautiful. Millions of rupees are spent in inventing new cosmetics or other kind of therapy to keep the skin ever green. Beauty and youth are those elusive subjects that never seem to go out of fashion. Women spend thousand of rupees in beauty seeking advice for their skins and other part of the body to achieve ever youth. New products are launched with great bang and fanfare, and their efficacy is proclaimed by famous film stars and other popular big bugs who are paid millions for promoting the products. This extravaganza of cosmetics advertisements allures us to personify in the character of the advertisements and makes us believe that we could be the same. But the truth is that never has a lotion been invented that can make the skin glow more than what right diet can. So, wake up, unwind your mind, and explore the nature. Nature is the biggest producer of beauty enhancement treatment.

Those ‘old wives’ were true: You are what you eat. So, feed your body right kind of nutrients to control the aging. Our body is covered by skin, the skin needs adequate of nutrients for cell renewal and other normal functions. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals lead to the early wrinkling of the skin. For healthy and glow skin, your diet should be consist of carrots, tomatoes, orange, melons, spinach, red sweet potatoes and apricots which are good sources of beta-carotene, the plant form of vitamin A. Oil fish, walnuts, linseeds, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and unrefined oils of these seeds are in rich of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and delays premature ageing of the skin.

Vitamin B is important for the formation of healthy skin cells. Vitamin A and E play a very significant role in the maintaining softness of the skin texture. Eggs and garlic are good high –sulphur foods which provide required sulphure in our body.

If you want a healthy skin, it is important for you to have a healthy diet- a diet which contains adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Balance is the key word. No single diet is responsible for building up or maintaining the skin- so fad diets, which over-emphasize one food in preference to others, can actually deprive you of essential nutrients and so may even harm your body and skin.

For a glowing and healthy skin , eat plenty of carrots , tomatoes , orange-fleshed melons, spinach , red sweet potatoes and apricots. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals manifest as pallid and dull skin.
“Fresh Fruit Chat”

Do not get miss-guided by any recipe book or statement of any celebrity Chef. Just believe in your taste and go with any kind of fruits. But there should be enough varieties.

Ingredients --------- Qty
Pineapple ------- 1/2
Grapes Green-------1 cup.
Grapes Red-------1 cup.
Papaya ---200gms.
Red Apple-----1nos.
Onion ( Chopped)---50gms
Green chili----3 to 4 pcs.

Lime Juice---10ml
Chat Masala---20gms
Salt---To taste
Tomato Ketchup----50ml
Chilli sauce----40ml
For Garnish
Chopped Coriander, lemon wedge, Julienne of ginger, lettuce leaves and tomato slice.


· Wash the fruits under running water.
· Peel and cut the pineapple into chunks.
· Peel and cut the orange into sections.
· Cored and deseed and cut into dice.
· Peeled and sliced the banana.
· Combine all the fruits in a large glass bowl. Toss with the seasoning mentioned above, put chopped green chilli, onion and tomatoes. Check the salt.
· Toss once again and garnish with chopped coriander, pomegranate, lemon wedges, lettuce and juliennes of ginger.

Bonne a petite

Food quotes

“No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut”. ~Channing Pollock

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

For centuries, fruit and vegetable juice have been used for their therapeutic and nutritional benefits. It not only reverses the degeneration of the body but also arrest the rate at which you age, and brings seemingly boundless energy. Fresh juice enables you to easily assimilate useful nutrients in the body.

It is always better to take fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of juice than depend on vitamin and mineral pills, because nutrients combined naturally in food, work much more effective than in the pill form.

Several glass of juice per day is recommended; ideally, two to four glasses, in addition to meals, provide a good balance.
Remember the points below and enjoy the last drop of the juice.
Always Wash the fruits and vegetables before cutting them and juicing them .A small brush – a toothbrush is ideal. Remove damaged or unwanted portions before juice of them.
While extracting juice, remove the skin of orange and grapefruit as they contain a toxic substance.
Some fruit and vegetables will have to be chopped up to fit into your juice/ blender – there’s no way you will get a whole melon in a domestic juice.
Apple seeds contain Cyanide, and hence should be removed before extracting juice from an apple.
Avoid carrot leaves, as they too are believed to have toxins.
Whatever you do, don’t take slugs of juice direct from the storage bottle. Use an attractive glass for your juices.
Take a moment to demonstrate your artistry with an attractive garnish too. A simple slice of lemon, orange, or kiwi, a sprig of mint will please the eye and boost the appetite.
Ice-cubes can add some chilling but do not use too many.
Strawberries, mangoes and grapes make a delicious combination that’s both refreshing and energizing.

This heavenly combination must soothe your soul.
Just too Much

Serving 1 (One)

Ingredients Qty
Strawberries 50g(2oz)
Mango ½
Grapes 75g(3 ½ oz)
Apple 1nos.
Lime 1nos.


Wash and hull the strawberries – keeping a nice one aside for garnish. Peel and de-stone mango and cut up half of the flesh. Squeeze the lime – keep a slice for garnish too! Juice the apple. Puree the strawberries and mango in a food processor/blender. Pour the lime juice and apple juice and mix well. Pour into tall glass and top with few ice cubes. Garnish with lime slice and the strawberry.

Spicy Mint Chicken

Chicken dishes are the most widely consumed dishes in the world; the recipes of chicken have curved long lasting influences in the world of gastronomy. The tender meat of chicken has given a wide potential to the chef to experiment with, some time as a filling of a sandwich or main ingredient of a salad and starter to main course. The elixirs of the chicken dishes are appreciated in every country. In India, Chicken meat is one of the main ingredients of much ambrosia. Easy to cook and its pleasant ability to absorb the aroma of other ingredients are the secrets of chefs’ liking.

Being a food connoisseur, despite our ever increasing life style and quick eating habits, I always suggest eating meal with some time in hand. Please do not hurry up eating. Quick eating increases lots of other complication like indigestion, high blood pressure, severe headache, breathing problems and many more. Today, Our Chef wants to share with you “Spicy Mint Chicken” from his treasure.

Spicy Mint Chicken

Ingredients Qty
Chicken breast 500gms
Onion 1medium sized
Tomato 1 big
Salt To taste
Oil 3-4tbsp
Chopped mint leaves 1tbsp

For wet grinding

Mint leaves
2 cups
1 cups
Green chilies
5 nos.
Ginger Paste
Garlic Paste
1-1/2 tbsp
For dry Grinding

1-1/2 tsp
5 nos.
1 inch
Whole peppercorns
Poppy seeds
1 tsp

Preparation Method
1. Wash and keep aside the chicken.
2. Mix the wetgroundpaste with the drygroundpowder.
3. Add this paste to the chicken and rub well on all the pieces. Marinate for an hour.
4. Heat the oil in a pressure pan.
5. Sauté the onions and add the tomatoes and fry for a while. Now add the chicken and salt and stir fry for 10 min. On simmer before pressure cooking.
6. Garnish with a little choppedmint. Note:-Servehotwithchapatis,kubusorrice.

Name :Spicy mint chicken

Serving :1mk

Calorie : 485


Warnings: - Raw chicken should be cooked or frozen within two days of purchase; it can be kept in the freezer for up to two months. Chicken should not be eaten raw, as it may contain bacteria such as salmonella.

Do you know?
In Indonesia the chicken has great significance during the Hindu cremation ceremony. A chicken is a channel for evil spirits which may be present during the ceremony. A chicken is tethered by the leg and kept present at the ceremony for the duration to ensure that any evil spirits present during the ceremony go into the chicken and not the family members present. The chicken is then taken home and returns to its normal life. He or she is not treated in any special way or slaughtered after the ceremony.

During Chinese Weddings, a chicken can be used as a substitute for one who is seriously ill or not available (e.g. sudden death) to attend the ceremony. A red silk scarf is placed on the chicken's head and a close relative of the absent bride/groom holds the chicken so the ceremony may proceed. However, this practice is rare today.
Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you want and let the food fight it out inside."(Mark Twain)