Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fresh Fruit Chat

Who doesn’t want to be beautiful? Beauty-business is the talk of the town. Everyone desires to be remaining young and beautiful. Millions of rupees are spent in inventing new cosmetics or other kind of therapy to keep the skin ever green. Beauty and youth are those elusive subjects that never seem to go out of fashion. Women spend thousand of rupees in beauty seeking advice for their skins and other part of the body to achieve ever youth. New products are launched with great bang and fanfare, and their efficacy is proclaimed by famous film stars and other popular big bugs who are paid millions for promoting the products. This extravaganza of cosmetics advertisements allures us to personify in the character of the advertisements and makes us believe that we could be the same. But the truth is that never has a lotion been invented that can make the skin glow more than what right diet can. So, wake up, unwind your mind, and explore the nature. Nature is the biggest producer of beauty enhancement treatment.

Those ‘old wives’ were true: You are what you eat. So, feed your body right kind of nutrients to control the aging. Our body is covered by skin, the skin needs adequate of nutrients for cell renewal and other normal functions. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals lead to the early wrinkling of the skin. For healthy and glow skin, your diet should be consist of carrots, tomatoes, orange, melons, spinach, red sweet potatoes and apricots which are good sources of beta-carotene, the plant form of vitamin A. Oil fish, walnuts, linseeds, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and unrefined oils of these seeds are in rich of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and delays premature ageing of the skin.

Vitamin B is important for the formation of healthy skin cells. Vitamin A and E play a very significant role in the maintaining softness of the skin texture. Eggs and garlic are good high –sulphur foods which provide required sulphure in our body.

If you want a healthy skin, it is important for you to have a healthy diet- a diet which contains adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Balance is the key word. No single diet is responsible for building up or maintaining the skin- so fad diets, which over-emphasize one food in preference to others, can actually deprive you of essential nutrients and so may even harm your body and skin.

For a glowing and healthy skin , eat plenty of carrots , tomatoes , orange-fleshed melons, spinach , red sweet potatoes and apricots. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals manifest as pallid and dull skin.
“Fresh Fruit Chat”

Do not get miss-guided by any recipe book or statement of any celebrity Chef. Just believe in your taste and go with any kind of fruits. But there should be enough varieties.

Ingredients --------- Qty
Pineapple ------- 1/2
Grapes Green-------1 cup.
Grapes Red-------1 cup.
Papaya ---200gms.
Red Apple-----1nos.
Onion ( Chopped)---50gms
Green chili----3 to 4 pcs.

Lime Juice---10ml
Chat Masala---20gms
Salt---To taste
Tomato Ketchup----50ml
Chilli sauce----40ml
For Garnish
Chopped Coriander, lemon wedge, Julienne of ginger, lettuce leaves and tomato slice.


· Wash the fruits under running water.
· Peel and cut the pineapple into chunks.
· Peel and cut the orange into sections.
· Cored and deseed and cut into dice.
· Peeled and sliced the banana.
· Combine all the fruits in a large glass bowl. Toss with the seasoning mentioned above, put chopped green chilli, onion and tomatoes. Check the salt.
· Toss once again and garnish with chopped coriander, pomegranate, lemon wedges, lettuce and juliennes of ginger.

Bonne a petite

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