Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Mercury rises; whole city is looking for a shade. What you eat and drink before going out in the sun this summertime could make the difference between getting a beautiful tan, a painful sunburn or skin cancer.

Lots of beta-carotene to protect the skin, this is a ‘great skin drink for summer’.

Serving: - 1

Ingredients Qty
Mango 1/2
Pineapple 1 /4
Carrots(scrubbed but not peeled) 2
Apple (deseed) 1
Ice cubes 4to6


Peel the mango and cut off a slice for garnish. Chop up the flesh and juice it. Juice the Pineapple, the carrots and the apple. Crushed the ice-cubes to obtain more chilling. Combine the juice in a tall glass – over crushed ice and garnish with the mango slice.

Try it today and let me know your opinion.

Please mail to me at beverage@foodandbeverage.co.in

Do you know?
Mango was cultivated and eaten more than 4,000 years in its native place India, where Ayurvedic medicine used the fruit to treat high blood pressure and diabetes.Mango is in rich of Vitamin A, C, E, B3, Potassium, iron, nictinic acid, papain and fibre.

In house party is not a nightmare at all!

If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”Un-know sources

In house party is not a nightmare at all!

Successful entertaining doesn't have to mean that you're stuck in the kitchen while your guests have all the fun. Here are some menu tips that will help you enjoy your own party: Consider the occasion and the style of service you're using. What's spectacular for one party may be inappropriate for another.

A menu for a formal dinner just won't work for a party where the main focus is watching a football game on TV. And, an appetizer soup is awkward at a stand-up cocktail party.

Build menus around familiar dishes and add only one or two new recipes. This way, if one of the new recipes doesn't quite work out, you'll feel confident about the rest of the meal.
Plan as many make-ahead dishes as you can so you'll be free to enjoy the party. Keep the number of recipes that involve last-minute preparation to a minimum unless you have lots of help getting everything on the table. Also, plan how much cooking you'll do between courses.

Think about how your gas range or oven will be used. Avoid selecting several recipes that involve cooking at the same time, with different oven temperature.

Combine foods with contrasting colors, textures, and serving temperatures. Avoid dishes that are all of the same color or are all creamy or all crunchy. Plan a pleasing mix of hot and cold foods.

Make only one or two dishes which are splashy -- for example, the main dish and dessert. Let the others play supporting roles. Nothing upstages a menu's star more than too many showy competitors.

Avoid repeating flavors in a meal. For example, a punch, salad, and dessert all with mango overkills.

Serve any one type of food only once during courses of the meal. If your entrée* is a meat pie, don't serve another pie for dessert. Avoid foods with overpowering aromas. Otherwise, the rest of the dishes -- no matter how delicious -- simply will get lost. Consider how you'll present the dishes. Think of everything. Will you have enough serving dishes? What table settings will you use? Let your mind creates wonders. Your décor should be according to the theme of the party.
For guests with diet restrictions, include some foods to meet their needs. For example, offering fat-free or less calorie dishes or sugar free dessert.

Have a great party!

For Party Planner Checklist please send a request mail to others@foodandbeverage.co.in

Entrées*Entrees are generally small, well garnished dishes which are pre-plated and ready for service and always accompanied with very rich gravy and sauce. Entrée belongs to the French classical menu sequence. You can serve booth vegetarian and non- vegetarian dishes.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

God in the form of water

We can survive for quite a few days without food but without water we will not survive more than a day. Most of us think water as thirst quencher but not many realize the curative properties of this simple drink.
Water is vital to the body for temperature regulation, nerve impulse condition, circulation, metabolism, immune system, eliminative processes, sensory awareness and perceptive thinking.
Every body cell, tissue and organ almost every life-sustaining body process needs water to function. We use water without realizing the benefits we derive from it. Whenever we splash cool water on our tired face and eyes to refresh them, we are actually using it as a tension remover. A cold water shower on a warm and sweaty day is an instant rejuvenator.
The daily toxins that need to be flushed out of our system need a lot of water. Skimping on water intake could leave the toxic elements in the system, making us sick.The healthy and glowing complexion of well-hydrated person can become the envy of many. No amount of cosmetics or creams can give the healthy radiance that comes with drinking at least ten glasses of water every day.
If you are looking for an easy, inexpensive and non-side effects kind of drink water is the panacea. Drink those litres of elixir that are one of Nature’s most neglected gifts of mankind. Drink plenty of water every day and night to live healthy.
Water is our first beverage to share with you; you also can try a numbers of drinks of your choices with simple cold water and dash of some other ingredients. Why don’t you try it and increase your water intake.

A very simple and easy to make, fresh lime water. A glass of cold water, 15ml of fresh lime juice and 20ml of sugar syrup, pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients, stir well. Float one slice of fresh lime. You also can use soda instead of water if you want to add some fizz in it.

Do you know?
Lime is rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, Potassium, Citric acids, fibre and bioflavinoids.

By foodandbeverage.co.in

Waldorf salad

In a flurry of leaves, or a friesee of fine shreds, every salad should make a stunning statement. Move on from making irrelevant “side salads” to presenting classy creations by marrying vegetables with taste bud-tingling dressings and well-textured toppings.Ingredients

Enjoy the summer with Chilled Waldorf Salad.

Ingredients Qty

Cooked celeriac (variety of celery) 1 small
Russet apples 2Medium sized
Peeled walnuts 8 halves
Mayonnaise 5cl
Lettuce leaves 4 to 6 nos
Lemon juice 2 ts
1) Peel celeriac, cut into neat dice.2) Peel apples and deseed, core, cut into neat dice.3) Marinade in lemon juice.4) Mix with mayonnaise.5) Served chilled on a lettuce leaves.6) Garnish with halves of peeled walnuts.
Serving Calories Fat(gms)
Waldorf salad 1mk 337 28.7
Mk: - medium katori.
Do you know?
Apples are a good source of vitamin C, are rich in soluble fiber and pectin, which help eliminate cholesterol and fight of environmental pollutants, including heavy metals like lead and mercury. The smell of apples alone can lower blood pressure!
Cantaloupe melons, with their high levels of carotenoids , may inhabit the growth of cancer cells and help maintain the health of body tissues, including the skin.
By foodandbeverage.co.in