Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Say cheese!!

A soft creamy – semi hard coagulated milk curd , no matter how you slice it , cheese is simply coagulated milk curd.

The final products depend on many variables. What kind of milk was used? Cow’s is the most common, but many cheeses use sheep’s or goat’s milk. How long was the cheese aged? In general, the older the cheese, harder the texture. Was any special bacteria , yeast or mould added to the cheese to give it distinction?

There are hundreds of types of cheese produced all over the world. Different styles and flavors of cheese are the result of using milk from various mammals or with different butterfat contents, employing particular species of bacteria and moulds, and varying the length of aging and other processing treatments. Other factors include animal diet and the addition of flavoring agents such as herbs, spices, or wood smoke. Whether the milk is pasteurized may also affect the flavor. The yellow to red coloring of many cheeses is a result of adding annatto. Cheeses are eaten both on their own and cooked as part of various dishes; most cheeses melt when heated.
Whether you appreciate cheese by itself as an appetizer or dessert course or use it in casseroles, pizzas , salads, or other dishes , this delicious food delivers a lot of flavor , even in small amount.

The ancient fact on “cheese”
Most authorities consider that cheese was first made in the Middle East. The earliest type was a form of sour milk which came into being when it was discovered that domesticated animals could be milked. A legendary story has it that cheese was 'discovered' by an unknown Arab nomad. He is said to have filled a saddlebag with milk to sustain him on a journey across the desert by horse. After several hours riding he stopped to quench his thirst, only to find that the milk had separated into a pale watery liquid and solid white lumps. Because the saddlebag, which was made from the stomach of a young animal, contained a coagulating enzyme known as rennin, the milk had been effectively separated into curds and whey by the combination of the rennin, the hot sun and the galloping motions of the horse. The nomad, unconcerned with technical details, found the whey drinkable and the curds edible. (Unknown sources)
Cheese was known to the ancient Sumerians four thousand years before the birth of Christ. The ancient Greeks credited Aristaeus, a son of Apollo and Cyrene, with its discovery; it is mentioned in the Old Testament.
In the Roman era cheese really came into its own. Cheese making was done with skill and knowledge and reached a high standard. By this time the ripening process had been developed and it was known that various treatments and conditions under storage resulted in different flavours and characteristics. My readers, best way to taste different cheese, is to visit your nearest five star hotel and request for cheese platter.

Buying cheese
Cheese is a living organism and needs to be treated with respect and certain amount of care. To buy cheese, find a cheese specialty food store that prides itself on the quality of its merchandise. It is always better to buy cheese on the day you will be serving it, and purchase only the amount you think you will need.
Storing cheese
Store cheese in the refrigerator, tightly wrapped to prevent it from drying out. Leave the original wrapping intact, or rewrap in wax paper and then in foil. To prolong the life of cheese, change the wrapping every few days. Strong-smelling cheese should be kept in airtight container so its aroma doesn’t effect the other foods.
In general, the harder a cheese, the longer it will keep. Soft cheese, especially goat cheese. , should be eaten as soon as possible. Hard getting cheese, such as Romano and Parmesan , can be stored for up to several months.
If a hard cheese develops a mouldy spot , cut it away: the remaining part is fine to eat. Discard any soft cheese that has developed mould, because it could have permeated the cheese. We will come up with serving cheese and accompanied with wine at our next issue.

Till then say cheeseeeeeeee.


"There is no love sincerer than the love of food." Unknown Sources

Part 5, “how to make a good cocktail in- house”.

Measure has a very important role to play in any mixing of drinks. Being a beginner one should know what should be the quantity of ingredients likely to be used. Few extra drops of lemon juice can spoil your cocktail or sweeteners can over sweeten your drink. There are two ways of measuring your ingredients: Using a measure and by the eye. It requires an experienced hand to measure amounts by eye. Use measures to measure the ingredients which help to control the quantity and reduce the wastage. Above all, your use of ingredients should be according to your taste and that of your discriminating guests and then stick to these proportions with reasonable accuracy. Now, at first, you may have little idea just how much of this and that to put in the shaker to make two drinks, four drinks, or ten drinks. Never try to measure by eye after the ice has been put in. Experiment from time to time with different proportions in your drinks but do this alone or with a trusted friend who is somewhat of a connoisseur.
For chart please click www.foodandbeverage.co.in and then click Mixologist's Measurement Cross-Check Chart
Courtesy by

Making canapés

Making canapés

A canapé or canape (known in Italy as tartine) is a small, prepared and usually decorative hors d'oeuvres, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite.Traditionally, canapés are made from stale white bread, cut in thin slices and then shaped with a cutter or knife. Shapes might include circles, rings, squares, strips or triangles. These pieces of bread are then prepared by deep frying, sautéing, or toasting.Although sometimes people use the words interchangeably, canapés are appetizers, but not all appetizers are canapés. The technical composition of a canapè consists of a base, i.e. the bread or pancake, a spread, a main item, and a garnish. The spread traditionally is either a compound butter or a flavored cream cheese. Common garnishes can range from finely chopped vegetables, scallions, and herbs to caviar or truffle oil. Because they are easy to pick up and eat neatly, canapés are often served at parties where people are circulating around a room rather than sitting at a table. Thus, they make popular items at events like wedding receptions, art gallery openings, and cocktail parties. However, because of their small size and because they are eaten with the fingers, they are also an excellent choice for children’s parties.

The trip of making impressive canapés with out an army of experts is by adopting a conveyor-belt method.

  • Buy a large square sandwich bread loaves of white , whole- meal or rye brad and leave them unwrapped at room temperature for a day.

  • Trim off crusts , and then cut each loaf lengthways into large , fairly thin slices.

  • Spread with the chosen topping, such as a savoury butter , flavoured soft cheese , pate or spread .

  • For spread , use a toppings that can be piped , rather than spread , such as soft cheese or creamy mixtures.

  • The bases can be prepared to this stag a day ahead ; cover with clean film and pack in a plastic bag. Cut into squares or fingers.

  • Arrange the canapés on serving platters and then add the garnishes.

  • For efficiency , prepare a tray that can be added to the topped canapés quickly and easily.


"An empty belly is the best cook." ~Estonian Proverb

Part 4, “how to make a good cocktail in- house”.


The Selection of suitable glasses is a subject of importance, deserving a separate book of its own. No, host, be he professional or otherwise, can be expected to provide the correct receptacle for every drink, so purpose of this guide I have given few universal styles of glass. But nevertheless, it is perfectly acceptable to serve a cocktail in whatever glass you have at your place.
No mater what style of glass you choose, there are a few basic rules you should follow.

Always keeps your glassware sparkling clean.

Keep one towel handy for drying and one for polishing.

Always use a stemmed glass for cocktails served without ice, so the heat of your hand will not warm the drink.

If you are using oversized stemmed wine glasses, don’t worry if the recipe doesn’t fill the glass totally.

Always serve drinks with cocktail napkins or coasters to absorb the moisture of the outside of the glass. If this is not done, condensation will form at the bottom of the glass and leave water ring.

Name of the Glass-----------------------------------OZ
Martini ------------------------------------------------5oz
High Ball---------------------------------------------10-12oz
Wine glass-----------------------------------------------5-7oz
Goblet Large, medium and small-------------------------6-12oz
Shot----------------------------------------------------2-2 .1/2oz
Pousse Cafe --------------------------------------------2-3oz
Salude Grande-------------------------------------------7oz
Napoli---------------------------------------------------14 oz
Sour glass-------------------------------------------------3-5oz
Deep dish champagne saucer-------------------------------4-7oz
Champagne flute------------------------------------------4-6oz
Brandy ballon---------------------------------------------10oz+
Liqueur coffee-------------------------------------------8oz

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Part 3, “how to make a good cocktail in- house”.

Non- Alcoholic Mixes, besides liquors, bar should have few non-alcoholic mixes which are mostly used in making cocktail. A list of the same given for your reference.

Bloody Mary mix, Club soda, Cola.
Coffee:- When you are making coffee for hot drinks, always make it fresh and make sure it is steaming hot.
Cream:-If you don’t use it in daily coffee, keep it frozen until you intend to use it. When preparing drinks, always keep it chilled.
Ginger Ale: - Buy it in individual bottles.
Grape fruit juice:-Is available in any super market.
Grenadine: - A sweet, cherry colored syrups, made from the pulp of pomegranates, is also available in any super market.
Lemon juice: - You can make in-house. But always use fresh.
Lime juice: - You can make in-house. But always use fresh
Orange juice:- Tetra packet of orange juice but fresh can sooth your cocktail by its fresh ness.
Orget:- An almond syrup, used in Mai Tai and others tropical drinks.
Passion fruit juice or other tropical drinks.
Pineapple juice:- Buy small cans- large if you are having a party.
7Up:- It is the most popular of all the lemon-lime soft drink.
Tomato juice:- Straight tomato juice is richer than tomato cocktail. Jars rather than cans are
best for storage in the refrigerator once opened.
Tonic water and Water.
There are the basic extras you should have on hand to complete your home bar inventory.

Bitters; - The best known is Angostura. It is flavoured with roots, barks, and herbs, and has a unique bitterness.

Cherries:- If you can afford maraschino , a popular garnish for manhattans, sour and tropical drinks. Otherwise any cherries with fresh and good shape should be considered as it is used for garnish. Garnish should always be fresh and best quality.
Cinnamon sticks, lemon and Limes.
Nut meg: - Sprinkle on Alexander, or use as a topping on many hot , non-coffee drinks.
Olives: - They come in many types and sizes. A small, green pitted one are the most popular, but you can get them stuffed with pimentos, anchovies (fish), onions, or almonds. Keep them refrigerated and tightly closed.
Onions, Orange, Salt and pepper and sugar.

"Eva salad"

The word "salad" comes from the French salade of the same meaning, from the Latin salata, "salty", from sal, "salt".
"Eva salad"
Sweet Apples(Medium)--------------------------6nos
Slice of fresh Pineapple-----------------------------1nos.
Fresh cream--------------------------------------5cl
Lemon juice-----------------------------------------30ml
Crisp lettuce leaves-----------------------------------4-6pcs


  • Wash apples, do not peel, cut away a neat lid, save.
  • Core without cutting right through the apples.
  • Peel reaming two apples, cut into small dice.
  • Mix with diced banana, pineapple, lemon juice and cream.
  • Fill this salpicon of fruit into core of 4 apples.
  • Replace lids; a stalk of Angelica (herb) can be added.
  • Serve cool on lettuce leaves.

    Do you know?

Pineapple is the only sources of the enzyme bromelian, which is a protein-digesting enzyme. Anti-inflammatory, diuretic , lowers blood pressure, helps prevent blood clots, speed up tissue repairs good for the digestive system , energy boosting.

Banana is a good source of potassium, which is beneficial to those suffering from hypertension.

Apple is a source of chromium that helps in regulating the glucose metabolism and preventing attacks of gout. Lettuce is a good source of vitamin K, which prevents internal bleeding.

Food quote

"Food in Aryan belief was not simply a means of bodily sustenance ; it was part of a cosmic moral cycle. The Taittirya Upanished states: From earth sprang herbs, from herbs food seed, from seed man. Man thus consists of the essence of food…. From food are all creatures produced, by food do they grow…. The self consists of food, of breath , of mind, of understanding, of bliss".

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Part 2, “how to make a good cocktail in- house”.

If you have ever walked into a liquor store, you have seen hundreds of different brands and types of liquors. What type of liquor and how much to get can be a min-boggling decision. To help you out, here are a few simple guidelines to follow.
In stocking your bar for the first time, don’t attempt to buy all types of exotic liquors, unless you can afford it.
The list of liquors or liqueurs that you particularly like, you may want to double the amount. As per your size of the bar, you want to stock.

What is your brand denotes, are you rum drinker or....? Rum is spirit made from fermented by-products of sugar cane. It is produced in countries where sugar cane grows naturally and is available in dark and light varieties. If rum, dark rum is punchy but light rum is clear: this rum is used for cocktail.

Vodka: as well as the basic, slightly peppery strong sprit and has distinguish character to blend with any thing makes it to the mostly used liquor in the cocktail. Good quality plain vodka is useful for most cocktail.

Gin, familiar as an aperitif with tonic water, gin is widely used in a Variety of cocktails. It is flavored with juniper barriers.
Whisky; basic whisky is good enough for cocktails rather than masking the flavor of a long-matured single malt.

Tequila; a Mexican spirit distilled from the fermented juice of the cactus plant. It is traditionally drunk after lick of salt and a squeeze of lime or lemon. Used in a variety of cocktails.

Brandy; Brandy may be defined as a sprit distilled from wine. The word brandy is usually linked with the name cognac but it should be remembered that brandy is made in almost all wine producing areas. Cognac and Armagnac are the two French brandies. Fruit brandies or eaux-de-vie include peach, cherry and apricot brandy.

Champagne; dry (brut) champagne feature in many cocktails. Champagne has the mousse for making excellent fizzy cocktails, but less expensive local sparkling wine can be used instead.
Stock few those bottles in your bar, but do not over load your bar with expensive brand.
Liqueurs are used in cocktail at very less quantity to enhance the flavor and color of the drink. It helps also to mellow down the punchy taste of spirits. Your bar should have few bottles of liqueurs, my recommendation as below:

Amaretto di Sarone:- A sweet almond flavoured liqueur.

Benedictine: - Made by Benedictine of Fecamp in Normandy, this golden liqueur is flavoured with myrrh, honey and herbs, brandy base.

Cointreau :- Orange liqueur, brandy base.

Crème de cacao: - Dark brown coco- flavoured, rum base liqueur.

Crem de menthe: - Green color, mint- flavoured, brandy base liqueur.

Curacao: - Curacao: - Orange-flavoured liqueur that is available coloured blue, clear or orange-brown. This liqueur is brandy base.
Drambuie:- Malt whiskey liqueur with herb , honey and spices.
Khlua: - Pale chocolate colored, coffee flavoured, rum base liqueur.

Besides, your bar should have some aromatized wine such as dry vermouth and sweet vermouth. Few cases of light beer and bottles of red wine and white wine, burgundy wine is always recommended, especially if you are serving beef. Rose is popular alone or with meals.

Important aspects of Italian cuisine

"No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention". ~Christopher Morley

*Excuse me!

Can I place my order?

The captain nods his head and said,“yes madam”.

Madam replies, “get me some pasta”.

Captain acknowledges very gently and looks at her.

"But! pasta which one"?

Madam is perplexed! She does not know what to say!!

Let me share some important aspects of Italian cuisine.
Tantalizing Italian dishes are very appealing to its endeavourer. A dinner with Antipasto and a glass of accompanied wine to rendezvous, followed by secondo the main dish, usually fish or meat (pasta is never the main course of a meal), let your all senses dance upon the melody of its aroma and mouthwatering taste. Still to go with smooth a dolce ("dessert") Cassata alla Siciliana (Authentic Cassata is made by lining a cake mold with layers of sponge cake soaked in rum or sweet liqueur, Then sweetened ricotta with bits of candied fruit peel,pistachios and chocolate bits are used to fill the cake) . Time to conclude with digestivo or famous Esspresso.
Italian cuisine is extremely varied: with culinary influences from Greek, Roman, Gaul, Germanic, Goth, Norman, Lombard, Frank, Turkish, Hebrew, Slavic, Arab and Chinese civilizations. Italian cuisine is imitated all over the world.

To a certain extent, there is really no such thing as Italian cuisine in the way that one usually understands national cuisines. Each area has its own proud specialties, primarily at regional level, but also even at provincial level. Italian cuisine is not only highly regionalized, it is very seasonal.

1. Antipasto - hot or cold appetizers .
2. Primo ("first course"), usually consists of a hot dish like pasta, risotto, gnocchi, polenta or soup. There are usually abundant vegetarian options.
3. Secondo ("second course"), the main dish, usually fish or meat (pasta is never the main course of a meal). Traditionally veal is the most commonly used meat, at least in the North, though beef has become more popular since World War II and wild game is very popular, particularly in Tuscany.
4. Contorno ("side dish") may consist of a salad or vegetables. A traditional menu features salad after the main course.
5. Dolce ("dessert")
6. Caffè ("coffee"/ "espresso")
7. Digestivo which is liquors/liqueurs (grappa, amaro, limoncello) sometimes referred to as ammazzacaffè ("Coffee killer") or One notable and often surprising aspect of an Italian meal, especially if eaten in an Italian home, is that the primo, or first course, is usually the more filling dish, providing most of the meal's carbohydrates, and will consist of either risotto or pasta (both being excellent sources).

Pasta comes in all shapes and sizes. The tiniest shapes are often used in soups, long ribbons or strands with sauces, and tubes and fanciful shapes in casseroles and pasta salads. Some shapes are large enough to be stuffed and baked, and others, like ravioli, come already stuffed.Below, the few names of common pastas are given:
LasagneSheets of pasta dough 10-12cm width. Often with rippled or curly edges. Lasagne verde is spinach flavoured. Boil or bake with sauce.MacaroniThick, long, hollow shapes, often broken into 3 cm lengths for baking. Boil or bake with sauce.PenneThick, hollow tubes likethe stems of a feather, with the ends cut at an acute angle. Boil and serve with sauce.Spaghetti Long, cylindrical, dried pasta. Spaghetti al sugo is spaghetti with meat sauce and Spaghetti al pomodoro is spaghetti with tomato suce. Pommarola 'N Coppa is topped with sauce of fresh tomatoes with onions, bacon and garlic browned in olive oil.Wholewheat PastaCombination of wholewheat grain and white flour.

About the sauce –

Bolognese: This sauce is ideal for spaghetti, but can be used with any kind of pasta - great for Lasagna as well. This will give you a not too salty Bolognese with a very slight sharpness to it. If you like your food hot, double the amount of Sambal (Chilli Base Sauce). Also, if you like more garlic in your spaghetti Bolognese, feel free to modify the amount.

“Serving for Six”

Ingredients ----------------------------------Qty
LAMB mince--------------------------------500gm
Tomatoes( Chopped) ----------------------400gm
Tomato Concasse---------------------------200gm
Olive oil-------------------------------------8 tbs
Salt and pepper--------------------------------To taste
Oregano---------------------------------------2 Tbs
Garlic cloves--------------------------------------2nos
Honey--------------------------------------------1 tbs
Paprika---------------------------------------------1 tsp
Red wine --------------------------------------------1 glass
Worcestershire sauce--------------------------------One splash
Sambal Sauce--------------------------------------------1 teaspoon
Parsley chopped finely -----------------------------------1tbs
Tomato grilled---------------------------------------------1 nos
(Note: - Ready-made sauce is also available in the supermarket)
1. Chop the onions - not too finely. Press the garlic.
2. Pour olive oil into a large saucepan, add the onions and fry them in the olive oil until they change colour.
3. Now crumble the lamb mince into the onions and fry it until it is completely done (no red bits left). Continue frying the mince and the onions. While string to let some of the water that has accumulated evaporate. When the mince is nice and crumbly, pour in the red wine.
4. Now add the tomatoes, the tomato concasse, the honey and the spices. Let the whole simmer for an hour with no lid on the saucepan -we want the sauce to reduce to get rid of some of the water - that will make it tastier.

Serving for Six
One kg spaghetti,7 liters water, two tablespoons olive oil, one teaspoon salt, two tablespoons butter, freshly chopped basil, freshly grated parmesan cheese.
1. Allow roughly 200g of pasta per head (for the very hungry) – a normal portion is around 150g. Boil a lot of water (1 liter per 100g), add some olive oil and salt.
2. When the water is boiling, add the pasta. Tends to be 10 – 12 minutes for spaghetti. Check at the lower end of the cooking time to see if they are "al dente" (COOKED TO PERFECTION).
3. Now put out the whole lot into a colander which you have placed in your sink. Turn on the cold water and rinse the spaghetti under the water (while they are still in the colander). Put the saucepan back onto your hob and add 2 tablespoons of butter.
4. Melt the butter. Put the pasta back into the saucepan and heat it cup while turning it until it's hot. The pasta will taste great, not stick together and be just right!
For final presentation, toss the pasta in a frying pan along with the Prepared Bolognese sauce, garnish with finely chopped parsley , accompanied by grilled tomatoes, serve hot .

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A cocktail at Home Part 1

James Bond 007” and “Martini - not stirred, shaken”. We all are aware of this famous dialogue. But What‘s Martini? A cocktail. What is “Cocktail”? A cocktail is a style of mixed drink. A cocktail usually contains one or more types of liquor and flavorings, usually one or more of a liqueur, fruit, sauce, honey, milk or cream, spices, etc. The first publication of a bartenders' guide, which included cocktail recipes, was in 1862: How to Mix Drinks; or, The Bon Vivant's Companion, by Professor Jerry Thomas.

The exact date of the first mixed drink is a matter of pure speculation and great conjecture. However, it was probably a few minutes after wine was discovered. The farmer probably did not like the taste of the fermented grapes and mixed the wine with water or possibly squeezed in the juice of a local fruit to change the harsh taste.

Knowledge about a good selection of cocktails is very essential, Frankly speaking before joining the Hotel Industry, I was only aware of the term “Cocktail”. In my experience in F&B, I have come across a question repeated by my honorable guests in the restaurant “how one can make a cocktail with out alcohol” or an order placed from the cocktail list like “Bloody marry” and later on submitting to not knowing what it is all about!

I will be sharing with you some of the good cocktail recipes and provide you a basis of how to make a good cocktail in- house. One doesn’t need to visit an expensive bar to enjoy and feel the thrill of a cocktail. What you need is some basic information. In this issue, you will find “Things needed for Cocktail making”

Bar Equipment, available in any super market or Kitchen utensils shop. Get ready with the list of tools.

Bar spoon: - Used for stirring drinks that are made in a glass mixing cup, such a as Martinis and Manhattans, bar spoon measures one teaspoon.

Corkscrew, Can and Bottle Openers: - A corkscrew is necessary to open wine.

Electric Blender

Ice, Ice bucket, Tongs, Scoop

Measuring Devices.

Mixing cup- Glass:-Drinks such as Martinis and Manhattans are stirred in the glass mixing cup.

Mixing cup – Mental

Paring knife and Cutting Board

Picks, Sticks, Straws, napkins.

Salt and Sugar containers

Speed pourers:-Professional bartenders use speed pourers to give them control over how fats or slow0 the liquor flows from the bottle.

Strainer:-After making a blended or stirred drink, place the strainer over the mixing cup and strain mixture into the glass. This prevents ice from being poured in the finished drink.

Towels:-Have a moistened terry-cloth towel handy for keeping the bar area clean.
For drying glasses, use a dry cotton towel.

Do you know?

The Liqueurs are defined as sweetened and flavored sprits. They should not be confused by liquor like rum or other sprits. The term “liqueur”, or “cordial”, refers to an alcoholic beverage produced by combining a distilled spirit with a strong flavoring agent (usually a sweetener). Liqueurs are generally between 30 and 60 proof, though there are many exceptions. They can usually be enjoyed on their own, but many are frequently mixed with other sprits and mixers to create exciting and festive beverages.


An ice bowl

An ice bowl makes an impressive serving dish for ice cream and sorbets* (sherbets). Make the bowl in advance and store it in the freezer. Fill it with scoop of your choice of ice cream a few hours of the dinner and return to the freezer and dessert is ready to serve at once!

Un-wind your mind and create spectacular elixir for your guest. There are few tips, will help you to being with;

· Select the two bowls, one about 5cm/2 in smaller than the other. Stand a few ice cubes in the bottom on the larger bowl and place the smaller bowl on the top so that the rims of the both bowls are level.
· Tape the bowl at intervals at the edge.
· Slide slices of fruits or flowers, nuts between the bowls and pour the cold water to fill the gap.
· Freeze the bowls. Use a skewer or small stick to push the fruits, flowers and nuts down between the bowls if they float during freezing.
· To release the ice bowl, remove the tape and pour a little hot water into small bowl and stand the bottom bowl in hot water. As soon as the ice bowl is released place it to the freezer.

This will give you a wonderful presentation to your desserts and impress your invitees.
If you want to add some color to the bowl then mix blue Curacao (a flavoring and coloring agent) in the water or some squash but it should suit your character of desserts otherwise the clash between the flavors will spoil the taste.

Do you know?

The word sorbet belongs to The French Classical menu. Because the length of the French Classical menu, this is considered to be the ‘rest’ between the courses, where diners may obtain their second wind. The sorbet therefore must be able to counteract the richness of dishes already served and stimulate the appetite for those to come. Typical sorbet is a water ice plus Italian meringue, flavored with champagne or a liqueur (Not liquor).
Do not be authentic, just unwind your mind and try what ever is available in your kitchen.

Salad dressing

A dressing is usually served with all type of salads. It adds flavor, provides food value, helps digestion, improves palatability, and appearance. Using oil and vinegar to dress greens and vegetables dates to Babylonian times, some 2,000 years ago. The word salad can be traced to the ancient Romans who sprinkled salt on grasses and herbs, calling it “herba salata”. It was not long before Roman and Greek cooks experimented with combinations of olive oil, vinegar, and salt, then adding wine, honey, and a fermented fish sauce known as “garum”. The latter was made by soaking the intestines and other pieces of mackerel, salmon, sardines, and shad in brine and herbs.
Dressing is in a liquid or semi-liquid form, a mixture of oil vinegar, seasonings or eggs or cream, etc.
The basic dressings are:
Mayonnaise, Vinaigrette or French dressing, lemon dressing, mustard cream and acidulated cream.
Mayonnaise:- Is also known as basic cold sauce,

Vinaigrette: - Can be made, in the French, English, or American style. The ratios of ingredients vary.


Olive oil ( can be any substitute)------------3 parts
Vinegar------------------------------------1 part
French Mustard-----------------------------1 part
Seasonings( Salt and pepper)----------------To taste


Olive oil ( can be any substitute)---------1 part
Vinegar----------------------------------2 parts
Mustard--------------------------------2 parts
Seasonings( Salt and pepper)--------------To taste


Olive oil ( can be any substitute)------------------------Equal part
Vinegar--------------------------------------------------------Equal part
Sugar------------------------------------------------------------To taste
Seasonings( Salt and pepper)--------------------------------------To taste

Lemon dressing: - Same as vinaigrette using lemon juice instead of vinegar.

Acidulated cream

Thin cream----------------------------------------------3 parts
Vinegar or lemon juice-----------------------1 part
Salt and pepper ---------------------------------To taste

Before you go further; just check your taste buds. Over indulgence in use of dressing may spoil your salad. Therefore, moderate use is always is appreciated.

“Go Healthy”

It’s no wonder that cabbages were once known as ‘the poor man’s physician’: They are rich in fiber, low in calories , rich in vitamins B and C , bioflavonoid, potassium , and folic acids. The ancient Greeks valued its properties so much that laws were passed making the stealing of cabbages punishable by death! Cabbage juice can politely be described as ‘an acquired taste’, but its taste is improved by mixing with another, sweeter juice, such as carrots and some celery for ‘spice’, to make a really good energizer that wards off cold and flu.

Serving 1

“Go Healthy”

Cabbage( Any type)-----1/3


Wash the veggies and juice the cabbage, celery, carrots and ginger.
Mix the juice well in a glass and garnish with a little fresh coriander.


Food historians generally attribute the origin of kebabs to ancient Middle Eastern cooks. In a land where fuel was scarce, this was a very efficient way to cook meat. Small pieces of meat (smaller the cut, faster they cook) threaded on skewers would have required very little fire. The recipes and combinations are endless.

"Kebab. A dish consisting basically of small pieces of meat threaded on to skewers and grilled or roasted. It originated in Turkey and eventually spread to the Balkans and the Middle East. The name is a shortened form of the Turkish sis kebab, sis meaning skewer and kebab meaning roast meat."
---Larousse Gastronomique,

From a central Asian soldier’s campfire to a Mughal emperor’s feast…… the kebab has traveled a long way to find in India. Babur’s Persian cooks first introduced kebab to India. The word ‘Kebab’ is a combination of the Persian word “Kum” meaning little and “abb” or water indicating the method of its preparation.

"Kebab. Roasting marinated meat on spit while basting with fat is described both in Sanskrit and Tamil literature...the kabab has a distinct identity as a dainty from the Middle East which is particularly favoured by the Muslims in India...Ibn Battuta records chicken kaba being served by royal houses during the Sultanate period. Even common folk at kabab and paratas for breakfast, and in Mugal India a few centuries later it was still naan and kabab."
---A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food, K. T. Achaya [Oxford University Press:Delhi] 1998 (p. 115)

Kebab, a tantalizing invention to the gastronomy is a wonderful starter and many occasions accompanied with drinks make our dinner really sinful. Next time, you host a cocktail party, it must include Kebabs in the menu. You can make it live- the meaty aroma of the kebab will seduce the appetite of your guests. There are n number of kebab recipes available in the recipe book, try any of them you like. Master chef‘s favorite is

Seekh Kebab
Made with keema (lamb or beef mince) and traditionally cooked in a tandoor oven.

Lamb Mince------450sgm
Onions ( Chopped)-------------2nos
Garlic Cloves (Chopped)---------5nos
Ginger ( Chopped)----------1.5cm
Fresh Coriander Sprigs ( Chopped) -----2- 4 nos

Dry Masala

2 pieces of cardamoms (small, green, ground), 1 piece of black cardamom (ground), ½ a tsp of red chili powder,1/2 tbs of salt (to taste), ½ tbs of garam masala, ½ tbs of cumin seeds and one tbs of dry coriander.


Put all the mince lamb in a large bowl and add chopped onions, garlic, ginger, chillies and coriander. Then add whole of the ground masala and mix thoroughly with either your hand or a wooden spoon.
Take a large hand-full and make into a long kebab using the handle of a wooden spoon.
Put foil on to your grill and put your kebabs under a hot grill your kebabs under a hot grill. Cook on all sides until brown.
Serve on a bed of lettuce. Garnish with tomatoes, onion rings, chilies and coriander and wedge of lemon.

Food Quotation

“Great restaurants are, of course, nothing but mouth-brothels. There is no point in going to them if one intends to keep one's belt buckled”. ~Frederic Raphael