Saturday, June 2, 2007

An ice bowl

An ice bowl makes an impressive serving dish for ice cream and sorbets* (sherbets). Make the bowl in advance and store it in the freezer. Fill it with scoop of your choice of ice cream a few hours of the dinner and return to the freezer and dessert is ready to serve at once!

Un-wind your mind and create spectacular elixir for your guest. There are few tips, will help you to being with;

· Select the two bowls, one about 5cm/2 in smaller than the other. Stand a few ice cubes in the bottom on the larger bowl and place the smaller bowl on the top so that the rims of the both bowls are level.
· Tape the bowl at intervals at the edge.
· Slide slices of fruits or flowers, nuts between the bowls and pour the cold water to fill the gap.
· Freeze the bowls. Use a skewer or small stick to push the fruits, flowers and nuts down between the bowls if they float during freezing.
· To release the ice bowl, remove the tape and pour a little hot water into small bowl and stand the bottom bowl in hot water. As soon as the ice bowl is released place it to the freezer.

This will give you a wonderful presentation to your desserts and impress your invitees.
If you want to add some color to the bowl then mix blue Curacao (a flavoring and coloring agent) in the water or some squash but it should suit your character of desserts otherwise the clash between the flavors will spoil the taste.

Do you know?

The word sorbet belongs to The French Classical menu. Because the length of the French Classical menu, this is considered to be the ‘rest’ between the courses, where diners may obtain their second wind. The sorbet therefore must be able to counteract the richness of dishes already served and stimulate the appetite for those to come. Typical sorbet is a water ice plus Italian meringue, flavored with champagne or a liqueur (Not liquor).
Do not be authentic, just unwind your mind and try what ever is available in your kitchen.

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